Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not Dead Yet!

Let's just say we took an extended summer vacation. And our "summer read" of choice? Brain on Fire by Susanah Cahalan. What could be better than a medical horror story, a mystery with with NMDA receptors and antibodies for clues? Throw in a few nifty psychiatric symptoms and it's a terrific fit for the Neuroscience crowd. Add a few tasty margaritas and a bit of gossip and I declare WOVFAB back in action.

What'll we read next? Polls close Friday at 5pm.

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Suite Francaise by Irene Nemerosky

First Book of the Revived WOFVAB!
Illustrated Man
Lean In
Suite Francaise.

Free polls from Pollhost.com

Please let me know that you got the post.


Unknown said...

Hello??? Anybody getting the bookclub posts?

KaitlynK said...

Got it! I just voted : )

Unknown said...

2nd round of voting starts now. Please vote for one of the first place finishers, Illustrated Man or Suite Francaise. Polls close Monday, noon.