Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls

Jeanette Wells stroll down memory lane includes a few tales some readers may find difficult to believe - 3-year-olds burning themselves while cooking their own dinner; 5-year-olds falling out of a moving vehicle and left for several hours; 7-year-olds precocious enough to talk themselves out of many a sticky situation - and it also consists of stories you would think would land people in jail or at the very least children into a foster home - a father pimping out his daughter; a mother letting her children starve while she hordes chocolate bars - and yet somehow, she manages to tell it (unlike this run-on, clearly grammatically challenged review) in a simple, non-plussed manner, at times humorous, at times heartfelt and gracious. An enjoyable read, if of a not so enjoyable upbringing.

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